Autumn Reflections OR Rakish Behaviour

It’s that time of year again!!

As I rake leaves in the November sun I have same feelings as I did when I wrote this post last year :

It is backbreaking work ;
I am fortunate to be physically able to actually do the deed.

My friend’s cancer is back;
I pull on the rake so adamantly I am digging up roots from my century old tree.

My Aunt Josie passed away in the quiet of the night;
I cradle the leaves with tenderness as I place them in the bag. These leaves, just like Josie provided me with such beauty and shade during summer I handle them with great reverence.

Thousands of refugees must leave their homeland;
I keep my lawn bags altogether as I gently place them on the curb.

My friend Jan is retiring soon;
I am surrounded by piles of collected leaves who’s work here is done.

I started a new job;
I stare in awe at the empty branches that in only six short months will be full of new green shoots.

I count my blessings;

I count the bags of leaves I have collected.