I Thought of You

I thought of you the whole time I was driving to St. A because the last time I did that drive we had a phone date for when I arrived

but when I did arrive and I phoned you, you were already on your way to the hospital and you were already changing my life forever.

I thought  of you during my training session because you would have been looking forward to hearing about it and I would have been anxious to share it with you.

I thought of you because you were a reference for this new employment and you would have been proud.

I thought of you when I returned from St. A.  as the last time I returned from St. A. you were preparing for your final voyage.

I thought of you because it was my Birthday and you would have sent the perfect Birthday card and gift.

I thought of you because while in St. A. I wore the turquoise, silver chandelier earrings you gave me which did not go with my outfit but I wore them anyway.

I thought of you because I purchased seven books at the used – book sale and when I got home I piled them all around me, lovingly bending their spines, smelling their pages and reading the inside and outside jackets , slowly getting acquainted with my new literary characters and you would have understood that about me .

I thought of you because my love and I were celebrating our Anniversary and you would have known how much that meant to me.

I thought of you because I went out to dinner with my daughter and you were always such a great supporter of her .

I thought of you because it is Sunday and you would have wished me a pleasant and peaceful  week ahead .

I thought of you “because”





11 thoughts on “I Thought of You

  1. Shelley wrote ” Again on the road and again in awe of your amazing skill for putting your grief into words…. I still haven’t dealt with my Tracy (your Suanne)………..and she died over 1.5 years ago………….I hear Suanne’s voice in my head right now telling me to get my shit together that she is having a drink with Trace – but for me – I am unable to do what you do……….you are do very very special Judith!
    Xooxoxoxo Thank you so much for sharing.”

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Joan Wrote” Dear Judith-Lovely-you always express your feelings so beautifully!-I am sure that somewhere up there in the great starry beyond, your friend comprehends this lovely tribute to her.

    All is well here-Love, Joan.”

    Liked by 1 person

  3. … you loved her and she loved you back. She made a fierce impact on our lives and will forever be in our hearts. I miss her every minute of every day. XO

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